Large leavened products

Large leavened products
water | g 4.000 |
unsalted butter 82% fat | g 800 |
NATUR ACTIV | g 400 |
Knead the DOLCE FORNO MAESTRO with 2500gr of water and NATUR ACTIV.
When the dough begin to take shape, add the remaining water gradually.
Add the soft butter in three times.
The first dough has to be smooth and dry.
Check that the dough temperature is between 26-28°C.
Leave to rise at 22-24°C for 10-12 hours - until the volume has quadrupled.
caster sugar | g 800 |
salt | g 100 |
unsalted butter 82% fat | g 2200 |
eggs | g 2000 |
raisins | g 6000 |
dried figs | g 2400 |
candied orange paste | g 200 |
chopped walnuts | g 2000 |
g 120 |
Add to the first dough DOLCE FORNO MAESTRO, sugar, salt and 3/4 of butter; knead to obtain a smooth dough.
Add little by little the eggs and continue kneading until the dough starts detaching from the sides of the bowl
Add the remaining butter (previously melted) and gently stir rasins, figs, nuts, orange paste and anise seeds.
Check that the dough temperature is between 26-28°C. Put in a rising room at 28-30°C for 60-70 minutes; divide into pieces of 400 g, roll them up, place them on baking tins or boards and leave to ‘rest’ for another 15 minutes
Roll them up again tight, forming long loaf shapes and put them in suitable paper moulds. Put in a rising room at 28-30°C with relative humidity of about 70% for 4-6 hours.
Leave the buccellati exposed to the air for 10 minutes until a film appears on the surface, then use a knife to make a cut along the surface of the dough.
water | g 1000 |
caster sugar | g 1000 |
LEVOSUCROL | g 3000 |
Mix all the ingredients and bring them to a boil.
Let the mixture cool before using it.
Bake at 160-180°C for about 40 minutes, time depending on the temperature and program of the oven
Brush the buccellati fresh out of th oven with some sugar syrup (bring to a boil the ingredients and let them cool before using the syryp)
The products must be wrapped in Molpefan bags once cooled (let them cool for at least 10 hours).
If you want to use DOLCE FORNO MAESTRO we suggest you to add aromas.
"You can replace DOLCE FORNO MAESTRO with DOLCE FORNO in the whole recipe.