Special pizza & focaccia powdered mix, easy to combine with other ingredients.
50% concentrate, it allows you to personalize your own dough by adding other IRCA mix or flours of your choosing.
Ready-to-use, it doesn't need a first dough and will please you with guaranteed results over time.
Due to the long rising time, your products will be characterized by a long-lasting texture and perfect to be consumed even without heating.
Main benefits
Included dried sourdough will enhance flavour, aroma and digestibility.
The mix can be used in two different ways: according to the traditional recipe, the dough needs to rest in the fridge for a leavening time of 16/20 hours, as an alternative, you can follow the quick method, with a 2-3 hour rise in the dough proofer. Both produce outstanding results.
In order to improve production efficiency, you can freeze your products after pre-baking, otherwise you can just store it room temperature as well.
Great adaptability to any available equipment (refrigerator, dough proofer, retarder-proofer, etc.).
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